Institutional Client Services

Advisors, consultants, and institutions utilize our separate account management to employ certain strategies and to accommodate investment policy restrictions, cash management, and accounting/tax planning. Separate accounts allow a greater degree of control and enable clients to capitalize on (or avoid) investments in specific sectors, companies, or screens.

Investment Strategies | Research Approach | Client Service | Results

KCM manages separate accounts for foundations, pensions, trusts, family offices, endowment funds, small businesses, and Fortune 500 companies – directly, and through open architecture platforms.

KCM claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®).

Portfolios can be managed in a similar manner to each of our value, growth, international, or fixed income strategies, or tailor-made to meet the needs of the client. These portfolios are classified as strategy portfolios.

All of our investment strategies have a long-term investment horizon. Your institution’s needs and goals will determine which strategy, or combination of strategies, best suits your investment needs.

Growth Investing

Purchasing stocks of companies we believe will grow much faster than GDP over the next three to five years.

Value Investing

Purchasing stocks of stable, high-quality, dividend-paying companies.

Fixed Income Investing

Purchasing corporate, convertible, and municipal bonds.

International Investing

Purchasing international equities that provide exposure to developed and developing economies around the world.

Your account will be directed by one or more of the same portfolio managers who manage our mutual funds. KCM’s portfolio managers meet with corporate management teams, building financial models and writing reports on each company that we own in the portfolio. Our in-house research team helps us separate Wall Street’s noise from what we believe is important for long-term investing.
A relationship manager will be assigned to your account to assure a high level of personal service. Our relationship managers can provide periodic presentations, due diligence, portfolio and performance data, and research as necessary. The portfolio managers are also accessible to clients; they are available to answers questions about the management or performance of the funds.
We seek to achieve exceptional long term investment performance. This is accomplished by maintaining a consistent, repeatable investment discipline, providing a competitive value in the form of reasonable fees and always acting in the best interest of the client.
“We implement plans that help you and your business prosper and continue. We design retirement plans that take care of you, and offer high quality investment options to your employees. We help you prepare for the next generation, or the next owners, so your hard work is preserved.”

~ John C. Kornitzer, Founder