Funds We Manage
In addition to separate account management for individuals and institutions, KCM acts as advisor to a broad line-up of mutual funds through the Buffalo Funds.
The Buffalo Funds are available direct and through numerous fund platforms for IRAs, taxable accounts, and corporate 401(k) plans.

Quick Facts
Year Founded: 1994
KCM is the founder and advisor to the Buffalo Funds, a group of ten no-load, actively-managed mutual funds. The Funds represent a full range of capitalization size and growth and income options. They are available to help our private clients achieve investment diversification and reach their long-term financial goals. The Funds are also popular choices for 401(k) plans and are used by many Fortune 500 companies.
Domestic Equity
- Discovery (BUFTX / BUITX)
- Early Stage Growth (BUFOX / BUIOX)
- Growth (BUFGX / BIIGX)
- Large Cap (BUFEX / BUIEX)
- Mid Cap (BUFMX / BUIMX)
- Small Cap (BUFSX / BUISX)
International Equity
- International (BUFIX / BUIIX)
- Dividend Focus (BUFDX / BUIDX)
- Flexible Income (BUFBX / BUIBX)
- High Yield (BUFHX / BUIHX)